Best time to go to Africa: average weather by country
You're anticipating travelling to Africa and you want to find out what the best month is for this destination. When is the best time to go to Africa? What is the climate in Madagascar and Niger ? Which month has the best climate conditions? Where should you go to have nice weather in Africa and which is the best month to go? We provide you with the answers to these queries about the climate below. Happy reading !
Best time to goMap of Africa: where and best time to go?
Click over the countries on the map to obtain information on monthly average weather and to find out when is the best time to go.

Best time to go to Africa: choose a country
Do you want good weather in Africa? Do not risk spoiling your stay in Africa: choose a country and get all informations you need about the weather and the climate month by month and our opinion on where and when is the best time to go to Africa.