Best time to go to South America: average weather by country
You have in your mind travelling to South America very shortly and you're wondering what the ideal period is for this holiday plan. Well, when is the best time to visit South America? What about the climate in Peru and Suriname ? When are the temperatures most favourable? Where should you go to have nice weather in South America and which month should you choose? Find the answers to these questions on the type of climate in South America in this section. Enjoy your stay in South America !
Best time to goMap of South America: where and best time to go?
Click over the countries on the map to obtain information on monthly average weather and to find out when is the best time to go.

Best time to go to South America: choose a country
Do you want ideal climatic conditions in South America? Do not risk of ruining your holidays in South America: choose a country and get all informations you need about the climate and the weather month by month and our view on where and when is the best time to go to South America.